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HS2 是一款采用人体工程学设计的轻量矮式耳机话筒,为包括在舞台、微博、广播和表演使用中的免提演示提供清晰的音频。它设计采用抗腐蚀的不锈钢和低过敏性硅树脂制造,辅以陶瓷表面和凯夫拉加强型线缆,非常耐用。
HS2 具有可调节的吊臂,以获得最大的舒适度,其超低噪声的全向电容式音头提供了特别自然的语音再现。HS2 有大、小号两种型号,黑色和粉色两种选择。
The HS2 is compatible with the complete suite of RØDELink Wireless transmitters as well as any 3.5mm microphone input that supplies plug-in power, with or without a locking thread.
The boom arm is made of a stainless spring steel and is designed to be bent by hand into the correct position. It is recommended to use both hands when doing this.
Yes, the HS2 has a removable mic arm which can be placed on either side of the headband, making it easier to keep the microphone out of sight when this is required for on camera scenarios. Simply click the boom arm back into the capture point, ensuring that the small stopping plug is inside the retainer.
Yes, many manufacturers of portable recording devices only state that their microphone inputs have plug-in power and do not give any more technical information. The HS2 is compatible with this type of connection.