A Completely New Beast

The RØDECaster Pro II is the world’s most powerful all-in-one audio production solution. Loaded with cutting-edge next-gen features and supercharged by a high-performance quad-core audio engine, it delivers next-level audio for any content creation application, including podcasting, streaming and gaming, and music production.


RØDECaster Pro II 配置四个平衡模拟输入端,搭配高品质 Neutrik™ 组合插座,用于连接话筒、乐器和线路电平设备,无论是录制单一话筒的在线直播与播客还是录制完整的多声道音乐,都能获得理想中的效果。

世界一流的 Revolution Preamps™ 无论使用哪种麦克风或乐器,都能保留原始音频质量。专为 RØDECaster Pro II 设计的超低噪音、高增益前置放大器,为您提供大功率输出的同时,还能保持令人难以置信的安静,不需要配置麦克风加强装置、升降器或外部处理。提取纯粹声波,从未如此轻而易举。

Four podcasters with PodMics on PSA1+s recording on RØDECaster Pro II

由 APHEX® 提供技术支持

用录音棚品质的流程处理您的声音,一切都来自专业音频领域知名品牌:APHEX。整套机载真实模拟器,由传奇硬件音频处理器组成,包括 Aural Exciter™、Big Bottom™和 Compellor™ 主压缩器/均衡器。每个通道均配置录音棚品质压缩器、噪音门、高通滤波器、去噪器和三频均衡器,全部由 APHEX 提供。每当您按下录音键,都能获得非凡音效。

RØDECaster Pro II on black with close up shot of headphones volume knobs


RØDECaster Pro II 配置大型高清触摸屏和触觉旋转编码器,操作非常简单,让您可以从各个角度亲手控制音效。只需花费几秒钟进行设置,借助专业级特制预设选项和我们直观的 VoxLab™ 处理编辑器,您可以通过点击按钮或旋转旋钮来调节完美声音,将您的音频带到新的高度,一切从未如此简单。

Two people recording podcast with PodMics mounted to DS1s  and using RØDECaster Pro II


其他控制台配有声垫。RØDECaster Pro II 则配置智能声垫。实时触发混响、回声、音高和机器人 FX 等音效,向外部软件发送 MIDI 命令,激活淡入淡出等自动混音器动作。是的,随时调取声音效果、配乐库、样例或广告歌曲。无限创造力,指尖一触,尽在掌握

Person on video call with hand over RØDECaster Pro II


无论您创作什么样的内容,RØDECaster Pro II 都可以根据您的录音设置、您的理想工作流程和您的独特音效进行定制。九个通道均可单独分配,供您创建个性化混音器配置方案。每个处理器和各种效果都可以运用高级编辑器实现机上调整,每个智能垫都可完全编程(每组 8 个声垫共 8 组,可实现 64 个独特的动作),明亮的 RGB LED 也可以根据您的设置和审美进行定制。赋予您无尽可能。

Gamer with blue hair adjusting RØDECaster Pro II knob

所有设备 互联互通

RØDECaster Pro II 提供无可比拟的设备连接选项,无论使用哪种内容创作应用,都能方便联通。配置四个 Neutrik™ 组合插座,可连接麦克风、吉他、贝司、键盘和线路电平设备。大功率耳机输出端,支持四对耳机,用于监控音频,也可以通过平衡的 ¼ 英寸线路输出监测扬声器。借助先进的 Bluetooth® 连接,录制超高质量电话通话,或高清晰度的音频流。使用双 USB 接口同时连接两台电脑或移动设备,既可以录制远程播客,也可以简化复杂流媒体设置。适合所有创作者的完美音频控制中心。

Signal diagram showing third-party devices connected to RØDECaster Pro II

Four-person Podcasting Bundle

The Ultimate Podcaster Bundle offers everything you need to record a four-person podcast, including the RØDECaster Pro II, four PodMic dynamic broadcast microphones, four sets of NTH-100 headphones and four PSA1+ studio arms.

Ultimate podcaster bundle products

The RØDECaster Series Compared


Does the RØDECaster Pro II have a TRRS input?
No. Instead of a TRRS input, the RØDECaster Pro II comes equipped with dual USB-C interfaces for connecting mobile devices and XLR/TRS connectors for connecting line level devices.

The RØDECaster Pro II comes equipped with multiple digital inputs (wireless and wired) for connecting a smartphone in a number of different ways. For a wireless connection, pair to the RØDECaster Pro II via Bluetooth and assign your Bluetooth input to a channel. For a wired connection, you’ll need to connect via a USB-C cable to the USB 2 input on the back of the RØDECaster Pro II and assign your USB 2 input to its own channel. To connect an iOS device, you will need to use the RØDE SC15 or SC19.

Note: Due to iOS limitations, native phone calls cannot be made on an iPhone or iPad via USB. Use the Bluetooth channel for making calls with your iOS device. Or use another communications app if using USB.


To connect an iPhone or iPad to the RØDECaster Pro II, you will need to use an Apple-certified Lightning Accessory Cable, such as the RØDE SC15 or SC19. Plug this into the USB input labelled ‘2’ on the back of the unit.

Note: Due to iOS limitations, native phone calls cannot be made on an iPhone or iPad via USB. Use the Bluetooth channel for making calls with your iOS device, or use another communications app if using USB.

No. The RØDECaster Pro II features ultra-high-gain preamps with 76dB of gain on tap, which is plenty of gain for any microphone, even low output dynamic mics. And the noise floor of the preamps is so low that using a lifter or line booster will actually introduce noise to your signal, so we highly recommend not using one.
The RØDECaster Pro II’s were designed from the ground up specifically for the console. They are ultra-low-noise (-131.5dBV), high-gain (76dB) preamps that rival very expensive high-end boutique designs. They are very clean and transparent, and they eliminate the need for lifters, boosters or any external processing.
The firmware on the RØDECaster Pro II can be updated in a few different ways. You can use RØDE Central to download updates via USB (download RØDE Central here). Alternatively, you can download updates directly via Wi-Fi or Ethernet (ensure your RØDECaster Pro II is connected to the internet to access updates this way). When a new update is available, an icon will appear on the top of the menu screen. Simply tap this icon and follow the prompts to download the firmware.

If you elect to do so, you can share information about your RØDECaster Pro II usage with RØDE. This information is used to plan future firmware updates and do technical troubleshooting. The information shared is split into two types:

Usage statistics – this includes details of channel setup, which channels are active, the on / off status of processing, USB connectivity and recording and multitrack settings; resource statistics – this is technical information about processor load, software performance, sub-system status and so on. All information is anonymous and not linked to any individual user. No identifying information inputted into the unit (including the names and settings of pads, shows, presets, network credentials or any audio recordings of any kind) are ever shared with RØDE. You can elect to opt in or out of analytics sharing during device start-up and at any time via the ‘information’ link in the ‘System’ menu.