
RØDECaster Duo 是全球最强大的一体式音频制作解决方案。它将专业广播级录音室整个浓缩到一个紧凑而直观的控制台中,无论是制作播客、流媒体还是任何其它类型的内容,都能为您提供打造爆棚音效所需的方方面面。RØDECaster Duo 由高性能四核音频引擎推动,搭载新一代先进功能,满足您制作卓越音频内容的一切之需。

RØDECaster Duo two-person podcast setup


RØDECaster Duo 配有大尺寸高清触摸屏、触感旋转编码器和广播级推子,操作极其简单,让您能够亲手掌控您的声音的方方面面。它可让您片刻之间完成项目启动,通过专业的预设和直观的 VoxLab™ 处理编辑器,只需轻触按钮或旋转旋钮,即可调出完美的声音。打造令人惊叹的音频内容从未如此简单。

Hand adjusting RØDECaster Duo knob

RØDECaster Duo on black background


RØDECaster Duo 配备世界一流的 Revolution Preamps™ 前置放大器,可为任何话筒、乐器、耳机或线路电平信号源提供纯净的音频质量。专为 RØDECaster 系列而全新设计的超低噪音、高增益前置放大器,为您提供大功率输出的同时,还能保持令人难以置信的安静,不需要配置话筒加强装置、升降器或外部处理。

RØDECaster Duo vocal and guitar recording setup with NT1 5th Generation

专业处理,Powered by APHEX®

用录音棚品质的流程处理您的声音,一切都来自专业音频领域知名品牌:APHEX。整套机载真实模拟器,由广受赞誉的硬件音频处理器组成,包括 Aural Exciter™、Big Bottom™和 Compellor™ 主压缩器/均衡器。此外,每个通道均配置录音室品质压缩器、噪音门、高通滤波器、去噪器和三频均衡器。每次点击录制,都会带来爆棚的音效。

RØDECaster Duo close-up


RØDECaster Duo 不但具备全面而强大的功能,而且尺寸极其小巧,便于携带。您可以随时随地进行播客录制,无论是在路上还是在家或办公室创作内容,或者只是腾出一些桌面空间,让您的直播画面始终清爽整洁。

RØDECaster Duo two-person podcast setup

连接 XLR 话筒、耳麦和无线设备

Customise To Your Creative Flow

No matter what kind of content you’re creating, the RØDECaster Duo can be configured to perfectly suit your workflow. Assign the eight inputs to any of the physical or virtual faders to suit your setup, customise the effects and processing for each channel, and transform the RØDECaster Duo into your own personalised studio.

Desk setup with white RØDECaster Duo

Take Creative Control with SMART Pads

The RØDECaster Duo features six programmable SMART pads that give you huge creative control at your fingertips. Trigger sounds, music beds, or on-the-fly voice effects like reverb, echo, pitch and robot FX, send MIDI commands to external software, activate automated mixer actions like fade-ins and fade-outs, and so much more.

SMART pads on white RØDECaster Duo

Connect Any Audio Device

No matter what your setup looks like, the RØDECaster Duo offers complete flexibility when it comes to connectivity, making it the perfect control centre for your audio productions. It features two USB interfaces for dual computer setups, an MFi-certified USB port that works seamlessly with iOS devices, and you can record ultra-high-quality phone calls or stream audio in high-definition via the advanced Bluetooth® connection.

RØDECaster Duo next to iPhone and NTH-100

One- or Two-Person Podcasting Bundle

The Creator Bundle and Podcaster Bundle offer everything you need to record a one-person or two-person podcast, respectively, including the RØDECaster Duo, PodMic dynamic broadcast microphone, NTH-100 headphones and PSA1+ studio arm.

Podcaster bundle products

RØDECaster 系列产品比较

RØDECaster Duo next to RØDECaster Pro II