Connecting Callers and Online Guests


Due to iOS limitations, native phone calls cannot be made on an iPhone or iPad via USB. Use the Bluetooth channel for making calls with your iOS device. Or use another communications app if using USB.


In some apps, your input and output device may be called something different, such as ‘Microphone’ (input) and ‘Speaker’ (output) in Zoom).


In some apps, your input and output device may be called something different, such as ‘Microphone’ (input) and ‘Speaker’ (output) in Zoom).


Empfängt der Bluetooth-Kanal keinen Ton, vergewissere dich, dass der Geräte-Pegel aufgedreht ist.


Du kannst den Back Channel Modus auch aktivieren, indem du den Vorhör- und Stummschalttaster der entsprechenden Kanäle drückst. Anrufe und externe Gäste einbinden